Thursday, February 28, 2008

crazy night

well guess i got used to blogging online so i kinda missed it when i had to stop. thanks robert for introducing me to here. hmmm...i don't see :-/ oh well.

a friend of mine called me earlier today and asked me if i could help her at the bar. she's a friend of mine that i know since my high school days, and she owns a bar near my house. when i turned 18, she gave me a job as a bartender. during the remainder of my senior year, i worked there part-time, usually on weekends. yes, you can bartend at just can't drink. i didn't go through any bartending school or anything. i came in and knew nothing about bartending and making drinks. the first several days were a disaster. i had people bitching at me, and i was all frustrated and pissed off. she was really patient with me and taught me the basics and work-arounds. she also lent me a bartending book as well as a drinks recipe book. good thing i'm a fast learner and was able to pick things up quickly and kept up the pace after about only 2 weeks or so. by the time i quit to get ready to head off to college, i was the best bartender there. i've been keeping in touch with her and would occasionally visit her and bring my friends there to hang out.

but anyway, she called me about 7:15pm and said that she was so swamped at the place because 2 of her bartenders didn't show up, and it was ladies' night at the bar. the place was freakin' packed. she asked me if i could come and help her out. i told her that i'm afraid i might've forgotten a lot of the stuff. she said that i think i forgot, but when i get behind that counter again, it would come back to me. i was pessimistic about it, but it actually worked! a lot of the routines came back to me. anyway, after she told me that, i was about to refuse, but she said that she would pay me $300 for 4 1/2 hours of work...from 7:30 to tips. one thing i do remember is the amount of tips i got. back in high school, i would usually work thursdays to saturdays in the evening until closing. on average...on average...i would bring home about $300 a night just in tips, and usually i only work about 4-5 hours each night. for some reason, it's mostly women that go to that bar, and we all know how horny and flirtatious older women are...especially the single ones...goddamn. oh long as their wrinkly paws keep off of my goodies and keep handing me their money, i'm golden...hahaha. tonight was no exception either. tonight i brought home $342 in tips PLUS the $300 i got from her...all cash by the way...but man am i beat. even though it's good money, i think this will be the last time i'll do this. i'll just refuse her next time.

scott is kinda pissed off at me right now because he doesn't like me doing that kind of stuff. i told my g/f earlier too and she got pissed off at me wtf? they're just looking out for my well-being i guess. back in high school, my parents didn't exactly approve of that "job" either, but i was young and stupid and didn't know better. i did it tonight because i wanted to help a friend i guess and get some extra money. but since everyone's pissed at me for it so i'm not gonna do it anymore, lol. hmmm...what should i do to make them not mad at me anymore...? i'll think of something. geez i'm freakin' tired. i was gonna go into more detail about the night, but i don't think my eyes can stay open anymore. guess i'll do that in another blog later on.

it's my first entry, and it's already a boring one...hehe...oh well.

1 comment:

robert78 said...


Why were they mad?? Sounds like an awesome part-time job, if tiring. That's a LOT of money, and it sounds like you do the job well. But seriously, why the getting mad? It's not like you're selling your body or something lol. And it's not like you do it often. Guess they're just over-protective lol.

Keep blogging!